September 10, 2024

My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 1 - Player Characters

Ensemble of Characters
  • Each player can have up three PCs at his/her disposal. 
  • This three includes any fallen PCs hoped to return to the land of the living. 
  • If a PC ever dies, the player has the option of reserving a slot for that PC or may create a new PC for that slot. 
  • Players may choose any PC prior to the session as long as we are not starting the session mid-combat. In other words, if we end one session while the party is knee-deep in the undead, the PC that was involved must still be involved in the next session. However, if the session ends with the party making camp or simply out of danger, the player can choose to use a different PC the next session. 
  • Please note, whatever items one PC carries are owned by that particular PC. On a case by case basis, the CK may allow players to have one PC give an item to another character so that character can give the item to another ensemble PC the next time that PC is played.
Character Level
  • First level at campaign launch, afterwards 1d3 levels less than the highest level party member
Ability Scores

  • Create 3 sets of stats rolling 4d6 and dropping the lowest roll. The player picks the best of the three, but has to assign them in order.
Starting Hit Points
  • Maximum HP for level 1; new levels: reroll once if the result it a one. If the second time is also a one, it was meant to be.
  • Standard races
  • No evil alignments (I ain't got time for player vs. player conflict).
Starting Wealth
  • Standard
Supplemental Rules

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